kuhu's 1st Album 夕日色の列車 "Yuuhi Iro No Ressha" (The sunset color train)"

<kuhu's 1st Album Yuuhi Iro No Ressha(The sunset color train)

Album title : 夕日色の列車 "Yuuhi Iro No Ressha" (The sunset color train)
Genre : Instrumental (Like a fusion, jazz, piano solo, trance, and others.)
Artists : kuhu, kuroburger, Yoshino Yoshikawa(Pollarstars), naccle
Media : One CD-R and 4P booklet in the 10mm jewel CD case.
Prices : \600 JPY (Set of it and MAGICAL CHANGE COMPILATION!! is \1,000 JPY)
Release date : 2012/4/30
Paypal shipping and handling +\360 JPY

The CD include mainly, popularity musics on the web flash game about BBR.
Like a jazz fusion (such as Yuuhi Iro No Ressha), like a trance (such as blueish cider) and more genres.
In additional to that, NEW MUSICS, ORIGINAL EXTENDED of several old musics and, REMIX/COLLABORATE with the SPECIAL GESTS are included!

Crossfade demo

Nest is demo of the 30 minites. You can hear several musics at this page(japanese) too.

1.夕日色の列車 "Yuuhi Iro No Ressha"(The sunset color train)
2.Little Muddled Battle

3.Colour -spanish-

4.Dreamed a Dream

5.Stylish Stapler
6.Breezy Hill
7.ゆうかぜ "Evening breeze"

8.分光 "Prism"

9.列車は雲を抜けて "The train escapes from clouds")

10.blueish cider

11.Evening Train (KURO-HACO Remix) / Remixed by kuroburger [Yuuhi Iro No Ressha]

12.ゆうかぜ (Yoshino Yoshikawa "Pollarstars" remix) / Remixed by Yoshino Yoshikawa (Pollarstars) [Evening breeze]

13.Twinkle Train in the Flame Forest / kuhu vs naccle

14.夏をかける列車 "The train runs on summer"

15.短い物語の終わりに "For end of the short story"

Composed all musics : kuhu - KANKITSU RECORDS(すだち)

Picture : Hinata Asuka - bluedaisy

Guest artist : kuroburger - KURO-HACO Nation
Yoshino Yoshikawa - とある音楽家の思う事 - Yoshino Yoshikawa blog 2 -
naccle - Happy Forest

This is The album's advertisement banner. Paste your web site or blog freely!
